Decisions decisions

– So Although teenage Trauma is currently 80% written I’ve decided it isn’t going to be the next think I publish. Why ….

Teenage Trauma is kind of like my baby, its precious to me don’t get me wrong everything I write means something to me.
But TT is the first main thing vie ever worked on, and  I’m currently not ready to unleash it to everyone.

So what will be next ?

I’m Hoping to get Her pound of Flesh out next
It’s basically an Adult fiction book. It will contain strong language scenes of Adult natures etc etc –
followed by Carrie and Peanut Which is looking like may contain cartoons I think it will be better. It’s humour, and I think the images will make it more humours for all ages.

I’m currently re working her pound of flesh I have around 11 chapters done, and I’m working on the next lot its all planned out though, names etc. I think a few people may be surprised with the amount of work vie put into these characters.

There will be a notice up when it’s complete, again they all will be available via Kindle and Paperback version.



Someone is out there

This morning when I logged into my account and seen someone had bought my book I was like a kid at Christmas.



its over whelming and at the same time extremely scary, because I’m not only allowing someone to read something of mine, I’m asking for there view of it as well.

It’s one of them situations you should be prepared for but were not.



Kindle Cover




when picking out a cover, there’s a number of different questions asked.
what goes with the title, what draws people in etc.

Me, I wanted to be a bit creative, letters on a page is a book of poems.

A book made of paper.

I seen the image and loved the bench and tree in the background (yes ill admit the snow drew me in as well) but I loved the fact, that the tree was a symbol of were paper comes from.

letters on a page